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Estevan 10-19-2007 10:03 AM

What companies make the GNX dash & the HUD gauges?
was looking to replace dash cluster and i was looking online but i cant find anyone who sells the gnx looking ones isnt up anymore and i was wondering was if anyone knew a good heads up display company or website or something and if anyone has seen one in real life b/c i was wondering what it looked like in the day time vs the night time

thanx again

86Nick 11-02-2007 05:23 PM

Re: What companies make the GNX dash & the HUD gauges?
There's a real GNX one on ebay for sale right now and Poston enterprises sells look alikes.

Dan87GN 07-13-2009 12:00 PM

Re: What companies make the GNX dash & the HUD gauges?
For what Postons charging you could just make your own for way less. It just looks like a piece of plastic panel and some gauges. Not many options for a GNX cluster for a good price. I have AVC's GNX cluster but I guess they have been out of business for a long time. Have fun build your own, good luck. Dan.

davpar 07-13-2009 06:27 PM

Re: What companies make the GNX dash & the HUD gauges?

Originally Posted by Estevan (Post 41467)
was looking to replace dash cluster and i was looking online but i cant find anyone who sells the gnx looking ones isnt up anymore and i was wondering was if anyone knew a good heads up display company or website or something and if anyone has seen one in real life b/c i was wondering what it looked like in the day time vs the night time

thanx again

If you're looking for the factory (ASC) GNX style can still get them.
Paul Castle of World of Motorworks in Chicago, Il. has exact replicas and utilize the Stewart Warner gauges. He even has an LED wiring harness, so it's virtually plug n play. Not for the for the faint of heart as it's not cheap at $1,595.00....but they do look nice. Lots of other reproduction parts.....Here's his website:

Happy Shopping!


DJ Red Barron 07-17-2009 09:29 AM

Re: What companies make the GNX dash & the HUD gauges?

Originally Posted by davpar (Post 52891)
If you're looking for the factory (ASC) GNX style can still get them.
Paul Castle of World of Motorworks in Chicago, Il. has exact replicas and utilize the Stewart Warner gauges. He even has an LED wiring harness, so it's virtually plug n play. Not for the for the faint of heart as it's not cheap at $1,595.00....but they do look nice. Lots of other reproduction parts.....Here's his website:

Happy Shopping!


I have a partial kit from Paul. I went with gauges from Speedhut rather than using the SW gauge setup. But I have to say, the pieces from Paul make a nice improvement over the stock dash.

bignikk 08-28-2009 01:54 AM

Re: What companies make the GNX dash & the HUD gauges?
Hi There Barron,

Of all the dash pics I have been able to find, I am in love with yours.
Can you help me please?
I would like to build myself a similar dash set-up and could really use your help in understanding what parts you purchased, how much you paid, and any insights into the entire installation procedure. I know this is asking alot, but I have been looking for this dash for months now and can't seem to find any for sale (other than the MOMW GNX replica for $1600 USD - which after shipping, brokerage, Canadian exchange rate etc. is well over $2000 - and that is just waaay out of my budget).
ANY help that you would be willing to provide would be incredible.
Thanks so much,

DJ Red Barron 09-01-2009 10:34 AM

Re: What companies make the GNX dash & the HUD gauges?

Originally Posted by bignikk (Post 53796)
Hi There Barron,

Of all the dash pics I have been able to find, I am in love with yours.
Can you help me please?
I would like to build myself a similar dash set-up and could really use your help in understanding what parts you purchased, how much you paid, and any insights into the entire installation procedure. I know this is asking alot, but I have been looking for this dash for months now and can't seem to find any for sale (other than the MOMW GNX replica for $1600 USD - which after shipping, brokerage, Canadian exchange rate etc. is well over $2000 - and that is just waaay out of my budget).
ANY help that you would be willing to provide would be incredible.
Thanks so much,

Thanks a lot! :) I'll be glad to help any way I can, NK. :cool:

I went with the MOMW GNX package, except I substituted the SW gauges for SpeedHut gauges (Revolution Series). I really liked SpeedHut becuase you can choose anything from gauge face to needle color to font, etc. and make it more your own. They also allow for custom artwork on them.The pricing is roughly $80-$100 per gauge on average, depending on size. Turnaround time is quick. It took a little over a week from time of order to delivery. The contact info for SpeedHut is as follows:
Phone: (801) 796-1460 (10am - 5pm MST) Aaron was my contact there. He is really cool, helpful guy.

My car was a bit harder to do than what can be done now. There were no plug-and-play systems for digital dash cars at the time, so every gauge had to be wired. Having dealt with this, here is what I would recommend... Call Paul Castle at MOMW. He is a great guy to deal with. I know his prices seem high. But he has put a lot of money in the setup of the stuff he sells. I am pretty sure between him & John at Caspers Electronics, they have the ability to rig up an entire dash setup with custom gauges from somewhere like Speedut and create you a plug-and-play system. It would be nice to only have to unplug your current dash and just drop this one in and go. Yes, it will cost ya. But the time it saves might be worth it. They can also set these up to accept pillar and console gauges to plug in as well.

Paul's number is 630-669-1583. Call and talk to him about what you are looking to do. If nothing else, he can give you a price quote on all parts except the SW gauges and perhaps give a good discount on the smaller package then you can tackle the gauge hookup yourself.

Let me know if I can help in any other way. My email address is

Good luck and keep us updated! :cool:

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