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Old 05-04-2013, 07:53 PM
black87buick black87buick is offline
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Default Electric window regulators - stuck

Is there a tip or trick to get a window that is completely lowered back up? I have removed the door panel, I can hear the regulator click when pressing down, but I get nothing when pressing up. I have attempted to assist by pulling up on the bottom of the regulator - no luck... Second question if there is not tricks out there, what is the best way to get the regulator out, it looks like it is riveted in.

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Old 05-04-2013, 09:42 PM
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Question Re: Electric window regulators - stuck

First, removing almost any window regulator requires drilling rivets out. They are assembled that way for speed on the assembly line, not ease of maintenance.

It would be good to know if the regulator just went so far down that it got bound up, if the window is stuck in the tracks, or the window motor is shot.

Is the window level, or has it gone down unevenly?
Scott Keller - GNTTYPE Founder & Moderator
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Old 05-04-2013, 10:10 PM
black87buick black87buick is offline
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Default Re: Electric window regulators - stuck

Unfortunately the window is down evenly. All the way down. I have applied direct power the motor in hopes to get it to move. No luck. I was about to look up a picture to see if there was some kind of access to manually move the gears. At this point if there is no method the turn those gears I will have to get creative in removal. The glass mounting bolts are barely accessable. I sure hope there is an alternative way of coaxing the motor I out of
luck here?
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Old 05-05-2013, 11:08 AM
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Default Re: Electric window regulators - stuck

You said you applied direct power to the window motor, did you ground the other wire at the window motor plug in??? The motor turns one direction with power supplies on one wire and the other wire goes to ground through the switch, then when you activate the switch power and ground reverse, motor turns the other direction... Also applying power and ground then tapping on the motor may jar the brushes loose and the motor will work... Something to try... Tom G .
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Old 05-05-2013, 01:45 PM
black87buick black87buick is offline
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Default Re: Electric window regulators - stuck

Originally Posted by Ts86ttype View Post
You said you applied direct power to the window motor, did you ground the other wire at the window motor plug in??? The motor turns one direction with power supplies on one wire and the other wire goes to ground through the switch, then when you activate the switch power and ground reverse, motor turns the other direction... Also applying power and ground then tapping on the motor may jar the brushes loose and the motor will work... Something to try... Tom G .
When I applied power it was with the switch terminal, I removed the switch and popped off the terminal cover and mated wires appropriately. The motor will click if the switch or the wires are applied to lower the window. When pressing the switches for the window to raise I get nothing, nothing from the driver's switch, passenger switch and connecting the wires directly. The wires "arc" so I know current is passing though the motor to raise the window but there is no motion. I think i'm stuck with attempting to remove the motor. I've already marked the placement of all the bolts so re-install & adjustment is less painful. I am not looking forward to getting the glass loose when the regulator is completely lowered.
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Old 05-05-2013, 02:50 PM
black87buick black87buick is offline
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Default Re: Electric window regulators - stuck

Well that was a lot easier than my '70 Rivi.

This took minutes...

I removed just the motor and tested it with direct power from the battery. The motor turns freely in either direction. So it appears power (current is insufficient) to drive the motor into motion. This just seams odd but logical, likely the cause of gummy grease.

Thanks for your guy's help it's been appreciated, especially the stuff currently posted in the "Idle Adjustment" post under Engine Mechanical. Ironically, I was having similar issues yesterday and was test driving the car when I decided to lower the windows.

Has anyone used a relay setup to apply fused direct battery power for the window motor? Just wondering if so what was their wiring routing? This just seems smarter to guarantee there is always enough power to get that motor moving whether new or old.

UPDATE: I just double checked power at the wire terminal for the motor using the switch and nothing. Checked the relay/breaker at the fuse panel and also verified drivers window working still. So, neither the passenger or driver window switch is providing power to the passenger window regulator. What the heck??? I have not disassembled anything other than the passenger's door. Is there something unique about these cars that separates the D or P window regulator motors? Is there a different fuse or power source....

Last edited by black87buick; 05-05-2013 at 03:27 PM. Reason: update.
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Old 05-05-2013, 07:20 PM
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Default Re: Electric window regulators - stuck

The passenger switch gets it power on the pink wire right from the circuit breaker fuse in the fuse panel.. Do you have power there at the switch??? If not maybe a broken wire where it goes threw the flexible piping in the door... I will get a wiring schematic and get it posted here to help you... Tom G
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Old 05-05-2013, 07:37 PM
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Default Re: Electric window regulators - stuck

Here is a window schematic... Tom G
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Old 05-05-2013, 10:23 PM
black87buick black87buick is offline
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Default Re: Electric window regulators - stuck

Thanks Tom.

From what I found the Tan wire is a no-connect right now. So this must mean the likely culprit is the drivers side switch. Correct?

I was able to successfully get the window to raise and lower again by jumping the remaining 4 wires. More importantly the window is up

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Old 05-06-2013, 12:01 AM
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Default Re: Electric window regulators - stuck

Chad, I would say yes or the tan wire has a open spot in it... With the drivers switch in its rest position, the tan wire should be going to ground. You could hook your test light to a power source and put it in the tan wire... If everything was OK, the test light would light up, power to a ground... Go do that and wiggle the drivers side switch and see if you can make the test light light, then you would know you have a bad drivers side switch or still a open in the tan wire... Some things to try... Tom G
Grand National Diagnostic Manuals
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