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Old 02-05-2010, 09:04 PM
Malcolm Malcolm is offline
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Default Converting to turbo?

I'm looking at buying an 87' Regal with the "T" package. It has the 3.8l non-turbo engine. What are my options with going to turbo on it? Also, any ideas on how much I'd be dropping on a project like this?
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Old 02-05-2010, 11:19 PM
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Exclamation Re: Converting to turbo?

Hmm...thought the '87 T cars were all powerd by a Buick turbo V6 or 307 Olds V8...

The short answer is, unless you do an entire driveline transplant, it isn't going to be easy. A real TR is a LOT more than just a turbo on a V6.


The difference between a carbed car with a weak rear end and a fuel injected, turbocharged, intercooled car with a strong rear end is a BIG difference. Short of buying a wrecked car and transplanting everything, it likely would be easier to just buy a real turbo T from the onset.
Scott Keller - GNTTYPE Founder & Moderator
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Old 02-06-2010, 02:38 PM
Malcolm Malcolm is offline
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Default Re: Converting to turbo?

Thanks for the quick reply. Great info you gave and to the point. The guy has 3 Regals for sale, might see about a group purchase. Either way, I'd be happy with the non-turbo regardless. I've been looking for a Regal since I got rid of my first one, I just love how they look. For $1500/obo, I haven't found anything similar for this price that's a 20 minute drive away. Until I hit the lottery, this is as close to my dream car (87' GN) as I can get right now. I was just curious about the possibility of an upgrade, and your post was right on point and answered my question perfectly. Thanks for the feedback.

P.S. I also thought they all came with the Turbo, but I found this site where he clarifies that the Base and Limited Regal had the option for the "T" package (Y56) and also the Exterior Sport Package (W02).

Last edited by Malcolm; 02-06-2010 at 02:49 PM.
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1987, conversion, non turbo, regal, turbo

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