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Old 11-25-2004, 10:24 PM
rinacker rinacker is offline
Join Date: Aug 2004
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rinacker is on a distinguished road
Lightbulb Account Activation

We're receiving a lot of emails from folks who seem to have trouble activating their accounts. When you first register for the forum, an account confirmation email will be sent to you. In this email is a link that you need to follow in your web browser to confirm the account and be permitted to post. This is to discourage spammers from registering for the site - and they have tried several times - so they can post crap to the forums.

If you don't activate your account, you won't be able to post even if you use the correct username and password.

If you don't get the activation email within a reasonable timeframe, say 24 hours, you can get it resent by going to this link:

Resend My Activation Codes
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Old 09-05-2006, 03:17 PM
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Keller Keller is offline
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Exclamation Re: Account Activation

There are many accounts that are started, but never activated. These seem to be mainly from three main 'volume' providers.

- AOL (America On-Line_
- Hotmail (MSN Hotmail)
- Yahoo

There are, at this moment, hundreds of accounts that were opened but never activated.

When looking for your activation codes, please check the 'spam' or 'bulk' folders within your account. Due to the seemingly anonymous nature in which the email from the Forum software is sent, many email systems will assume that it is unsolicited commercial email. (UCE) If you do not watch out, you may delete it and never read it. And thus, never gain access to the site. Please watch for the email, and respond to it as it asks.

Thank you!
Scott Keller - GNTTYPE Founder & Moderator
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