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Conversation Between Ts86ttype and PaCemkr86
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5
  1. PaCemkr86
    06-02-2011 05:38 PM
    lets see some new pics of your T and the upgrades you have been doing to it
  2. PaCemkr86
    05-25-2011 08:34 AM
    im all too familiar with cometics, i neverminded the coolant weep, its when they leaked oil bothered me
  3. Ts86ttype
    05-21-2011 10:59 AM
    Phil, Not much... The weather is finely giving me a nice day now and then to take it out and blow the cobwebs out... I.m still having some issues with a coolant seep from the cometic head gaskets... Tom G.
  4. PaCemkr86
    05-13-2011 11:19 AM
    what the lastest with the T ?
  5. Ts86ttype
    02-25-2009 09:24 PM
    Thanks Phil... Maybe it should read Tech Support and a little BS on the side... Tom G.

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