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PaCemkr86 is on a distinguished road

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 20
  1. jcawley3
    07-19-2012 04:01 PM
    Haha oh I see what he is mad about now...... Oh well.
  2. IL KIM
    06-02-2012 03:44 PM
    IL KIM
    Awesome. Hope you made money or at just broke even. I knew you would end up with a GN again! Gotta go change my oil - drove the GN to Harrison's baseball game - what a joy... Now the engine is nice and hot so the oil will flow out well... Regards.
  3. IL KIM
    05-26-2012 01:47 PM
    IL KIM
    Hi Phil! I was thinking of you today adjusting my fuel pressure and just came in to check an old thread to verify my TurboTweak setting - haven't checked it since battery died over the winter. Man, I just about forgot how Powerlogger works since the laptop battery died again 2 summers ago.... Had the buick out about 4 times this year and changed out the fuel hanger/sender a couple of weeks ago (the fuel gauge went dead last year) and I didn't want to drive it this spring until I fixed it as I had the tank pretty low... Things are well. Car is very fun to drive. Burned some rubber last time out. Still have a lot of kid sports (6 different teams) until end of June... Should be able to drive the GN a lot more now. Hope things are well with you and your family. How's the T/A? Take care.
  4. jcawley3
    04-30-2012 07:56 PM
    I did the VAC brake conversion, polished plenum, 4 in exhaust, new shocks and springs, the wideband, connected the scanmaster and wideband to the PL, V4 SLIC, ported the heads, ported intake, had to get new fuel pump the walbro crapped out, put a reds in it not real sure what the difference is......... and i still run like ****... I know its the tune. I'm trying to learn how to tune it.... Its a dog of the line then pulls like hell after the 1/8 its making power but it makes it very late. I have to take some new pictures

    not much talk on here anymore.... what happened? Keller piss everybody off with his smart mouth
  5. jcawley3
    04-27-2012 12:04 PM
    hey man, how are you?....
    I do. I blew a head gasket about a 1.5 to 2 years ago... fixed it and been replacing a few things here and there. I took it to the track lastnight for the first time since its been back together. it 11.6 one run before the HG blew.
    Last night made 2 easy passes 18lbs ran 13.3 and 12.9 I just eric the PL file this morning said the car is WAY off.. BLM or something ****..... Its still greek to me. I got a wideband and 6.1 chip hoping that would ease the tuning.
    I ripped my old exhaust while pulling up on a lift.. so I got the 4" RJC single shot..... it looks sick... but a little loud for me... sounds good at the track...think Im going to put a resonator in and try to soften it a bit

    Hows your car?
  6. IL KIM
    05-26-2011 07:25 PM
    IL KIM
    Very nice Phil. I can imagine the house/Buick thing. I bought a wedding ring instead of a boat and saw the boat on my wife's finger for a long time! I don't do Facebook. Too many other things to do. My wife has an account and does not use it much. My car is always dirty on the outside, living on a dirt road. Not much to see Phil. It's raining here again...and in the 50's. Supposed to be 60's tomorrow and 70's on Sat and 80's on Monday Regards.
  7. Ts86ttype
    05-21-2011 10:59 AM
    Phil, Not much... The weather is finely giving me a nice day now and then to take it out and blow the cobwebs out... I.m still having some issues with a coolant seep from the cometic head gaskets... Tom G.
  8. IL KIM
    05-19-2011 05:59 PM
    IL KIM
    Phil! It's been raining for like the past month up here and cold. Finally hit 70 today with some sun, between the showers. Been on crutches, cane, and getting steroid shots for my knee (arthritis), and to boot, got rear ended hard on freeway today. 2012 Explorer I was driving did well, but still bad. Good thing it was a company lease; have a loaner Escape to drive already. Poor other guy - totaled. Went to hospital today to get my neck checked out. Anyway, GN is running great. Drive it on weekends when I can and took it to work once (rain forecast every freeking day). Need to fix the gas gauge (sender) again. Kids have lots of sports (soccer, baseball, softball, field hockey, basketball) so I haven't had much time to drive around. Anyway, hope your family is well and you have time to enjoy driving around and all the work you did on your house and mom's house? Regards my friend. Take care.
  9. 81 elky
    01-28-2010 07:01 AM
    81 elky
    I'm still interested in doing this if you are interested. Call me and we can discuss details. Thanks, John. 713 614 3967
    06-10-2009 06:18 PM
    Get back to work Phil.

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  • About PaCemkr86
    First Vehicle
    86 TType
  • Signature
    Phil Underwood

    My Turbo Buick


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  • Last Activity: 03-12-2016 11:24 AM
  • Join Date: 01-10-2005
  • Referrals: 3


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